Beauty Through The Ages

“It’s sad to grow old, but nice to ripen” Brigitte Bardot


Safe and Supple 

This is the most important and influential decade on your skin, all those flutes of bubbles, sleepless nights and bad hangover habits.  The way you care for it now can determine what it will look like for the rest of your life.  Your 20’s is all about texture and protection and establishing a good skin care routine in order to prevent problems later on. Model Lara Stone, is known for her flawless pale skin and she uses rich hydrating creams to keep it perfected, such as Creme de la Mer The Moisturising cream, thick and rich. It is essential to get small doses of Vitamin D to keep your skin looking healthy and glowing but ensure you apply UVA and UVB protection every day to protect your currently supple skin from the harm of the sun.  Lara swears by coconut water and coconut oil as part of her everyday skin care regime in order to keep your look dewy and healthy and no matter what, never sleep with your make up on! Words of wisdom from the fresh faced beauty.  Use gentle products and focus on damage prevention, including night time hydrating treatments to keep those collagen levels unanimously strong. 


Hydrate and illuminate

We live in an era of strategic age management.  50 looks like 40.  40 looks like 30.  So where does this leave the 30 year olds?  30 is the tipping point of ageing and as the production of your skins natural oils begins to slow down and the fine lines and wrinkles start to appear, you have to incorporate anti ageing products into your regime.  As well as the vitality of hydration, antioxidants are also key.  Natural anti oxidants, found in Green Tea and Tomatoes, can help reverse skin damage and neutralise other damaging agents within the skin as well as help the prevention of collagen breakdown.  Gisele Buchanen’s desierable skin is down to the use of her natural eco friendly skin care range, Sejaa Pure, as well as her strict rules of engagement; No drinking, no smoking and regular exercise including yoga and jogging.  While lots of things can influence the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, including genetics (thanks Mum and Dad) and how well you have protected your skin your earlier years, it’s important to maintain a good anti-ageing regime to halt further damage.  Eye creams are a must, while natural brighteners Vitamin A,C and E, found in foods such as carrots, butternut squash, almonds oranges and spinach, will illuminate and rejuvenate. 


Maintenance and moisture

There is no denying that once we hit our 40’s our skin loses its natural ability to spring back from daily assaults, causing dryness to worsen and the loss of firmness.  As a result, our complexions need the help of good anti ageing products and a sophisticated skin care regime, featuring a hydrating and skin specific skin cleanser, becomes strictly necessary.  Model Helena Christensen may be “a beauty product junkie” with a bathroom cabinet full of “tonics and magic serums” but the one thing she never changes is her daily reliance on a high protection SPF.  Suitably protected, facial masks and peels are a great way to revitalise, heal and refresh ageing skin.  In addition to upping the game of your beauty regime, it is imperative you maintain a healthy lifestyle, with the increase of daily vitamin intake, exercise and plenty of fresh air.  Many people opt for Botox and collagen fillers as the wrinkles and pigmentation become more noticeable, but to avoid the invasive treatments book an appointment with your dermatologist and create a personal and affective beauty regime with specific products for your skin type and skin damage. 


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