Nurturing Mother Nature

The tiny pieces that make up the worlds significant sands, 
The millions of tiny fragments that spread across the lands. 
These precious wonders created over the expanse of time, 
Will diminish and dissipate among other natural beauties as a result of our own human crime. 
The seashells which once belonged to the ocean and the creatures below,
Will never belong to the generations to come for I fear of destruction and sorrow.
Tumbling and spinning around and around, 
They are the gift of the sea and the essence of the seashore sound. 
Billowing waves curling into the coast, 
Never underestimates the power and strength the ocean does boast. 
The source of life and an ever moving mass of magic, 
Yet we continue to ignore the irreversible damages we are causing and this is simply tragic. 
Minute by minute, day by day, a little more is taken away and a little more is destroyed, 
We forget to realise that eventually if not soon we will create our very own global void. 
Moved by the moon and lit by the stars, 
We are blessed to be witness to one of Gods phenomenas but we are blind if we think we can call it ours. 
It's beautiful and bold, tranquil and tepid, 
Let's cherish this marvel because as a race we should be trepid. 


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